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Jason Rector: Pioneering a Plastic-Free Future for Baby Care

Jason Rector is the CEO of Babee Greens. Babee Greens is a natural fiber company that makes organic cloth diapers, hemp cloth diapers, wool and cashmere baby products. Located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina. Babee Greens strives to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic disposable diapers. Jason has a project management background and a deep passion for helping parents take care of their babies and the planet. 

Aha! Moment: What sparked your sustainability journey?

I like that you call it a journey. As a high school student I had the opportunity to do some volunteer work in some remote and economically disadvantaged areas of our Region. The stark contrast in attitude around resources as compared to my own life was probably my “Aha!” moment. It was bearing witness to making more out of less, reusing until you could no longer and being connected to land and neighbor, but also witnessing how exploitation of people and resources had an outsized downstream impact on generations of human beings. 

Green Star: Who inspires your eco-journey?  

Young people. We have a tendency to be stuck as we age. Young people are unencumbered by old ways of thinking. There have always been a lot of challenges in our human relationship with our environment; I am hopeful that we are arcing back towards a healthier balance.

Food Wisdom: What healthy eating habits do you swear by?  

Spend more time in the produce aisle. Find a good farm to support. Buy local when you can. Food is a big part of our day. Making sure we have a healthy relationship with healthy foods. 

Eco-friendly Habits: What practices help you reduce, reuse, and recycle? 

We are lucky to live in a city and region that values the environment. We have easy access to all of it: recycling, composting, bike paths, consignment shops, upcycling. We participate where we can. 

Teaching Eco-empathy: How can we encourage kids to care for the environment?

Just do the right thing. I think kids are always watching adults and will model their behavior on what they see. And, finding a way to connect kids with their natural environment. I believe that connection lends itself to a sense of naturally wanting to protect.  

Sustainable Sanctuary: How do you make your home eco-friendly?

We live in a 100 plus year old home. This presents some challenges in energy efficiency but over the years we have continued to make improvements during the process of normal repairs and maintenance. We are a “windows open, AC off” crew. We limit water consumption with low flow and dual flush options. We recycle, re-purpose and think before purchase whenever we can. I am also that Dad that goes around turning lights off behind you. Sorry (not sorry).

Growing Green: What’s your go-to sustainable gardening technique?

I am not the gardener in our household. BUT I am obsessed with composting. I am pretty sure we have more compost than our small yard will ever need, but I hate to see food scraps end up in the trash.

Responsible Travel: How do you minimize your travel footprint? 

Keeping it close to home. We have so many amazing things to do in this region. When we have to travel, we practice the same minimal footprint mindset we have at home.

Style Sustainability: How do you make your wardrobe more eco-friendly? 

It helps that my body size hasn’t drastically changed in 20 years. Most of my closet is a collection of freebies, uniforms and clothes I have owned for years. When something new does rotate in, we rotate something older out to be reused or recycled. I am not focused so much on fashion, but I want to own a quality product made by a company who is paying attention to the environment. They are out there and need to be supported,

Joyful Living: What activities bring you happiness and fulfillment?

I am a big fan of playing games and sports. I tell people I am part golden retriever because I will chase a ball or frisbee all day long. Front porch ping pong with the family is always an especially fulfilling time. If the activity is outdoors and the sun is shining, that’s my ultimate sweet spot. I feel like my battery recharges better if I can completely exhaust it every day. 

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