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A Chat with AET Africa’s Sandiswa: Pioneering Sustainable Innovation

Sandiswa Qayi is a trailblazing entrepreneur and thought leader in the cleantech industry. As the Managing Director and co-owner of AET AFRICA, a cutting-edge cleantech company based in South Africa, Sandiswa has been instrumental in driving sustainable innovation and energy efficiency solutions.

AET AFRICA’s flagship product, the Hot Spot, is a revolutionary geyser sleeve that significantly reduces energy consumption by circulating water from the bottom to the top of the geyser, providing hot water within 30 minutes. This innovative solution has garnered international recognition, including:

  • 2016 GCIP South Africa youth-led team winner
  • Member of the Global Advisory Board of the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP)

Sandiswa’s expertise spans sustainable energy solutions, cleantech innovation, and entrepreneurship. Her leadership and vision have been instrumental in driving AET AFRICA’s success and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?

I’m a visionary and strategic person who values loyalty & integrity. I’m a combination of gatherer and hunter depending on context. I can think on my feet and solve problems, I’m vocal and practical person. I value my time with friends and family but also appreciate my own space to think, analyse and self reflect. I’m not known for being patient but I’m resilient, passionate and determined.

What motivates you to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle?

Mostly it’s about saving money and then my love for God encourages me to take care of the environment and do my best to not destroy it. 

Editor’s Note: If you are surprised by Sandiswa saying that her eco-friendly lifestyle SAVES her money, read our article: Top Ways that Green Living Can Save You Money!

What’s your signature eco-friendly habit?

Reuse, reduce, repurpose and refuse ….I try to avoid wasting of resources by all means because I’m frugal person.

If we came over for dinner, what would you serve us?

Lots of Meat, vegetables and cake …I also love pasta but I do enjoy my meat with some fat on it. If my daughter is cooking, you’ll defiinitely get pasta/ burger/ sandwich with fries or green salad with ice cream for dessert. 

Do you make sustainable choices while traveling? Tell us more.

I love traveling! I never really pay too much attention to fuel emissions when considering my flights or driving, but I try to be environmental friendly by not littering or buy unnecessary stuff.

Do you opt for sustainable clothing and beauty products? Any favorite shops or brands?

Starting to get the hang of it when it comes to clothing because I’ve been exposed to circular textiles, but no I don’t really have favourite brands yet. Learning about circular economy opened my eyes and helped me to pay attention to sustainable products but I’m not fully there yet 

What’s the most important environmental lesson for kids today?

Be environmentally conscious and think about future generations, whatever you waste today might not last you long enough. Don’t waste resources and please don’t litter – its much easier to keep space clean than tidying up.

What brings you joy and how do you find peace?

Beach walks, reading, traveling to new exciting places, spending time with my loved one’s and having positive impact on people’s lives. There’s more joy in giving than receiving but don’t neglect yourself in the process, hence I enjoy staying home with my daughter and doing nothing when time allows. 

Follow Sandiswa’s journey and stay updated on her latest endeavors:

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